Surrender to Temptation Part II: Tempted to Rebel Read online

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  “What have you offered to other women, then?” Anger was coiling in my belly. “Don’t tell me you’re chaste, because there’s not a hope in hell that someone who looks like you do is perpetually single.”

  The ghost of a smile whispered over Zach’s lips. “True enough. I have offered them pleasure. But it is a pleasure that someone as sweet as you won’t understand.”

  Suddenly I felt enraged at his dismissal. Why them and not me? I knew that he wanted me, even now, after our explosive encounter in the garage—in the dim light of the room I could see the outline of his cock, erect again and pressing against the cloth of his trousers.

  “And why won’t you offer me the same thing?” Was I not wild enough? Not experienced enough? No matter how much bravado I tried to clutch to me like a hug, my ever-present insecurities reared their ugly heads.

  Why was I not good enough?

  “You don’t fully understand what I’m saying.” He looked as if he were daring me to run, the corners of his lips curling up with a hint of mockery. “I don’t care for vanilla sex.”

  Though I was taken aback by his words, I arched an eyebrow at his proclamation, trying to steady the rapid tattoo of my heart. I was feeling all kinds of things, some of which I didn’t have names for, but I wasn’t going to let him pull my strings as if I were his puppet.

  I was through with going along with what others wanted, simply to keep the peace. I wanted—I craved—the ability to make a statement, to carve out my existence, just like the rocks outside had been worn smooth by the constant crash of the waves against them.

  “You enjoyed vanilla sex just fine fifteen minutes ago.” If the atmosphere in the room hadn’t been so heated, I would have laughed as Zach’s mouth dropped open, just the slightest bit, at my words.

  I was quite certain that the other women he had brought into his life didn’t make a habit of challenging him.

  “Vanilla sex doesn’t fulfill my need for control.” Nerves skittered over my skin, and at the same time arousal wound its way through me in a sensual dance. “If you knew what I wanted to do to you, you would run screaming into the night.”

  “Show me.” My tongue moved independently of the rest of me, and I spoke before I could think. “Show me what you want.”

  I held my breath, staring at Zach defiantly. I watched as he changed before my eyes. He seemed to become even larger in stature, more rigid and unyielding. His face was dark with lust, but also held a hint of cruelty.

  The tiny part of my brain that was still capable of rational thought told me to run.

  It was overruled by the rest of me, which found the dangerous man in front of me both exciting and arousing.

  “You do not give me orders.” Even his voice had changed, layered now with unyielding steel.

  I inhaled sharply, wondering if I dared to reply. The hand holding my now-empty glass of cognac trembled, and I licked my lips.

  “Then give me one.” Tension was so thick in the room I could practically taste it, but it was a tension that was hot and sweet and seductive. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

  I wanted to do whatever he told me to do. I couldn’t have said why, but I recognized it all the same.

  Zach regarded me for a long moment, and under his stare I felt naked. Finally he nodded, and I was relieved, as if I had passed a test of some sort.

  “At the end of this hall is a bedroom.” Zach gestured with the hand not holding his glass, back toward the hallway from which we had entered this room. As he spoke, his eyes never left my own.

  “Go into that bedroom. Comb your hair with the brush that you will find on the dresser, and then tie it back in a ponytail.” My fingers strayed to the tangles of my hair, the ones that had come loose during our tryst in the garage. “When your hair is tidy, remove all of your clothing, except for your panties.”

  My nipples contracted to hard, tight points that rubbed against the fabric of my bra. My breath began to come faster. I knew I should rebel at the orders that he was throwing at me, but instead I found myself growing wet, soaking the thin cotton of my panties all over again.

  “I will come to you in precisely ten minutes. When I enter that room, you will be kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed.” I nearly moaned—how was he making something that should have been unbearably bossy sound so delicious?

  I wasn’t given time to speak.

  “Do not disappoint me.”


  Never before had ten minutes seemed to pass so slowly.

  As I had been ordered, I had combed my hair, then pulled it back in the sleek ponytail that I wore most days. With trembling fingers I had unbuttoned my blouse, then unzipped my skirt.

  Now I sat on my heels on the floor, naked but for the panties that had had quite an abusive day. The damp cotton pulled at my moist skin, and the slight chill in the room had gooseflesh prickling the skin of my arms.

  I had never felt more nervous, or more exposed. Not knowing what to expect only aggravated the sensations.

  Finally, finally the door that I had closed behind me opened. My body clenched, and I looked up with wide eyes as Zach entered the room.

  “Lower your gaze to the floor.” His words were harsh, but I heard the lust that was layered beneath them. I hesitated before obeying—I didn’t want to look at the floor.

  I wanted to look at him.

  Sometime in the last ten minutes, he had shed his tie and his dress shirt. His chest was gloriously naked, and I was not happy that I wasn’t permitted to look at it.

  He had kept it covered during all of our encounters, and the quick glimpse that I’d had had shown me tawny skin pulled tight over rope after rope of hard muscle and dusted with soft whorls of dark hair.

  “Keep your eyes on the floor.” I stared at his ridiculously sexy bare feet as he came fully into the room. I heard the clink of ice against glass, and then the sharp click of glass against wood as he set a drink on the dresser, and then opened a drawer.

  “You were ready when I came in. I am pleased.” I watched his feet as he walked to me, then lost sight of them as he moved behind me.

  Zach placed his hands on my shoulders, brushing the skin there lightly with his thumbs. Then something soft and silky was placed over my eyes, blocking my vision entirely, and I cried out, startled.

  “Shh.” Brushing the long wisps of my bangs back with one hand, he smoothed the silk over my temples. “You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do. You just say the word, and I’ll stop.”

  I stayed tense as he snugged the silk to my head, tying a knot at the base of my neck, below my ponytail. When his hands wandered down to stroke the column of my neck and to dance over my naked shoulders, I relaxed, just the tiniest bit.

  “What’s the word?” I laughed weakly, trembling under his touch. His fingers stilled for a moment, and he murmured low in his throat, as if I had pleased him somehow.

  “What would you like the word to be?” His fingers resumed their movement, sliding down my shoulders, my upper arms, then moving forward slightly to stroke the flesh at the sides of my breasts. “You choose a word, and it will be your safe word. Anytime I push you too far, you use that word and I will stop immediately, no questions asked.”

  Anytime he pushed me too hard. What could he possibly push me to do that I would need a safe word for?

  Before I could overthink it, I clenched my fists, feeling my nails bite into the skin of my palms.

  “Dark.” My voice was hoarse and sounded like it belonged to someone else. “My word is ‘dark.’”

  Zach’s hands cupped my breasts, weighing them. His thumbs stroked lightly over my distended nipples, and a jolt went through me, straight to my pussy.

  “‘Dark’ it is.” The soft strokes melted into a harder caress, with slightly more masculine force be
hind it. He rolled my flesh between his thumb and forefinger, and each movement seemed attached to a string that tugged at something deep inside of me. “Tell me why you chose this word.”

  I gasped as he tugged lightly at my nipples, wetness surging between my thighs in response. It was a long moment, and yet another tug, before I could find the words to answer.

  “Because the first time I saw you, that was what I thought.” I arched my back, pressing my breasts more fully into his hands. “I thought that everything about you was dark.”

  Zach’s hands stilled, and then he removed them entirely. A chill hit my flesh at the loss of heat, and I swallowed a groan as I heard him stand.

  I sensed him circle me once, slowly, and I felt his eyes on me, drinking in the sight of my naked flesh. I strained to see beneath the edges of the blindfold, but he had secured it so that my world was nothing but black.

  He moved to stand in front of me. I held my breath.

  The rasp of a zipper unlocking its metal teeth broke the silence in the room.

  “Have you ever had a cock in your mouth, Devon?”

  I should have been shocked at the brash question, but instead found myself shifting, rubbing my thighs together, feeling the pressure on my clit.

  “Y-yes.” The memories of the times that I had made me want to wrinkle my nose—not a single one of them had been pleasant for me.

  Zach stepped closer and placed his palm flat on the back of my head. He pulled my cheek to the jut of his now-naked hipbone, and I inhaled deeply, wanting to nuzzle into the flesh that smelled so deliciously of him.

  “You are going to take my cock into your mouth, Devon.” I opened my mouth before he finished speaking, eager to please, and he chuckled.

  “Not just yet.” The muscles above his hip stretched tight as he leaned over. Seconds later I heard the clink of ice against glass again.

  “Open your mouth.” Eyes wide under the blindfold, I parted my lips. He pressed the glass against them, then tilted it so that the liquid—cognac again—flowed into my mouth.

  “Don’t swallow.” I shuddered as the fumes hit the back of my throat, then gagged a bit with discomfort as a small wedge of ice lodged itself against the tender skin at the inside of my cheek. I felt the insides of my nose sting and my eyes begin to water as the potent alcohol pressed against my tongue.

  “Now.” Cupping my chin with his hand, he tilted my chin up, guiding me where he wanted me to go.

  I felt the slick tip of his cock slide between my lips, and the slightest hint of salt mixed with the taste of the liquor.

  “Ungh.” I panicked momentarily, not sure that I could breathe. The fingers at the back of my head moved in a circle, caressing my hair soothingly. I felt myself relax into the touch.

  “Now swallow.” Zach pushed a fraction further into my mouth as I inhaled deeply through my nose, then swallowed around his cock. The cognac burned my throat, and the ice stayed lodged between my cheek and his shaft, strange sensations all, but hearing his breath rasp in and then out had satisfaction flooding through me.

  Zach was still inside of me for a long moment. Not sure of what he wanted me to do, I tentatively flicked my tongue over the head of his shaft, licking at the salt that I found there.

  He hissed and pulled back until only the very tip was between my lips.

  “Stay still.” Both of his hands were fisted in my hair now, and when he tugged at the length of my ponytail I found myself thrilling to the sharp sting.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth, Devon. I want you to stay just as you are while I do.” His breathing was coming harder, and I loved that I was the one who had pulled the reaction from him. Feeling daring, I slipped my tongue out between my lips, sliding it down his shaft, dislodging the sliver of ice that remained.

  He growled, tugging at my hair again in warning. I stilled, though inwardly I smiled.

  “You won’t be able to speak. If it becomes too much for you, I want you to give me the peace sign.” He slid back and forth experimentally, just the tiniest bit, and I pressed my lips more tightly around him.

  “Try to open your throat. I want you to take all of me.” I wasn’t sure what he meant until he pressed forward with his hips, sliding his shaft slowly into my mouth and beyond. I felt the head of his cock nudging at the back of my throat, and I tensed, gagging, again feeling that strange sensation of not being able to breathe.

  He stilled, giving me a moment to adjust. After a long moment, I found that I didn’t mind my mouth being filled with him in this way. To let him know that I was okay, I pressed my lips around the base of his shaft, tugging slightly.

  “Stop that.” He didn’t sound displeased. Slowly, he pulled back out, and then I found myself shifting all of my focus to keeping my mouth and throat opened wide as he began to fuck me as promised.

  He moved in and out, varying the depth and the firmness of his thrusts. I moaned around him, wanting to do more than be simply a receptacle, but every time I flicked my tongue over his flesh he pulled my hair, reminding me to do only as he said.

  I narrowed my eyes at his order. I heard his breath come faster, but he didn’t otherwise answer my unspoken plea for permission to please him.

  Surely he wasn’t going to complain if I went against his orders and did more with my mouth than open it?

  Swallowing around the girth of his cock, I wrapped my lips more tightly around his shaft. Tracing my tongue along the ridge that bordered the head of his erection, I began to suck hard, hollowing my cheeks with every pull of my mouth.

  “Devon!” My name was a gasp; I could hear both protest and hunger in his tone. “No . . . no!”

  His movements at odds with his words, he thrust his hips forward into the hot, wet cavern of my mouth, then again, groaning.

  Euphoria rushed through me as I realized how much satisfaction my mouth was giving him. Emboldened, I ran my teeth delicately under the head of his erection.

  “Fuck!” With what seemed to be a supreme effort, Zach placed a hand on either side of my face, holding me still as he pulled back. His shaft left my mouth with a wet popping sound. Before I could even close my mouth Zach had lifted me by my elbows, pulling me to my feet.

  Gently he slid a finger between the silk of the blindfold and my skin, tugging the fabric off of my head.

  I blinked as my eyes were uncovered, the dim light seeming far brighter than it was.

  Catching my chin in his hand and forcing me to look up, I could sense that the force of his blue-eyed glower.

  “I told you to stop.” His voice was rough and firm.

  What had I done? I had pleased him with my mouth, he couldn’t deny that. And yet I felt as if I were in deep trouble somehow.

  The sensation was a strange one to combine with the craving that I still felt for him.

  “Do you know what happens when you disobey me?” Zach leaned in until his lips were a whisper from my own. I tilted my chin up further, waiting for his kiss.

  It didn’t come. Instead strong arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. Zach sat on the bed, pulling me so that I sprawled over his lap. I let out an undignified squeak as he shifted back on the king-sized mattress, pulling me with him until my breasts pressed into the soft black cotton duvet on one side of his lap, and my knees on the other.

  No. My breath caught in my throat as even my fairly chaste mind realized what he had positioned me for.

  “Oh!” My cheeks flushed scarlet, and I wiggled in his lap, fully aware that I wore nothing but a pair of damp, sheer cotton panties.

  Surely he didn’t plan to . . . normal people didn’t . . .

  “I am going to spank you, Devon.” He said it. He actually said it. My mouth fell open, and I squirmed on his lap.

  He chuckled, the sound dark and sensual, and ran a hand over the mounds of my ass.
  “This is what will happen to you when you disobey me in any way. Do you understand?” His hand on my ass stilled, and he seemed to be waiting for an answer.

  I had so many thoughts running through my head, and yet nothing to say.

  An undeniable thrill had coursed through me when he had told me what he was about to do, one that made my nipples tingle and my clit pulse with need. And yet . . .

  “Remember, Devon, I’ll stop whenever you tell me to.” I opened my mouth to do just that, but the words wouldn’t come.

  Did I actually want to stop?

  Zach continued, his hands again smoothing over the skin of my behind, stroking soothingly, as if he were gentling a skittish animal.

  “I’ve asked you once before to forget about what you think you should say. Move past that, and think about what you truly want, right at this moment.”

  I sucked air in through clenched teeth. I knew my answer without having to think on it . . . Zach was entirely correct when he said that I was protesting because it was what I thought I should do.

  I inhaled deeply and squeezed my eyes shut. I willed my body to relax in his lap, surrendering myself to his touch.

  “You please me very much, Devon.” His fingers strayed lower, tracing the crevice of my ass. Pinching the material of my panties in his fingers, he tugged at the cloth, creating a sudden and delicious pressure against my clit.

  “Will it hurt?” I buried my face in my arms and the crisp cotton of the duvet as I spoke. Though I had admitted what I wanted, I still felt mortified.

  “It will.” Zach’s voice held no trace of sympathy as I thought that it might. “But as you discovered in my office this afternoon, pain is often the gateway to much, much pleasure.”

  Without warning, his hand slapped down over the right cheek of my ass. My entire body jolted, tensing at the sting as I cried out loud.

  The soothing circles of his touch returned, and I smelled the musk of wetness that flooded to my pussy even as I tried to regain control of my thoughts.

  “If you want to say ‘no,’ do it now.” Zach shifted underneath me, and I felt the impossibly hard ridge of his erection press into the soft flesh of my belly. I pressed down against it, and he warned me to stop with a sharp tap of his fingers, right over the juncture of my thighs.