Surrender to Temptation Part V: Tempted to Reveal Read online

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  “There is pleasure in this for you, Devon. You just have to decide if you’re going to let it in or not.” A sarcastic laugh escaped me, even as I wondered if he could possibly be right. I still felt stretched too far, uncomfortable, my flesh on fire. But his fingers circling over my clit added pleasure to the mix, and I cursed as the onslaught of sensations threatened to take me under. It seemed I would get no relief from the intensity of Zach’s sexual urges.

  It would have been so much easier to fall for someone whose taste in sex had less earth-shattering results for me.

  When Zach pinched my clit lightly, a whisper of pain merging with pleasure, the thought was wiped from my mind.

  “Stop fighting it.” Zach murmured in my ear, and I tensed as I felt movement from the plug. He was pulling it back, easing it out of my flesh, and I gulped in air as I worshipped him in blessed relief.

  “No.” I growled when he pushed it back in, still so very slowly. He didn’t respond, and I felt something cold pour through the division of my ass, followed by his fingers massaging it, swirling around the entrance filled by the plug.

  “Yes.” The plug moved back out again, until only the very tip was in. When he pressed it forward yet again I paused in my protests. The extra lubricant helped ease the passage of the object into my body. It was still uncomfortable, but the cool gel banked some of the fire.

  Zach’s fingers slicked into my wet pussy, gathering my liquid heat, then back to continue working my clit. The pleasure of his touch there and the new, unexplored sensations elsewhere made me begin to tremble, unsure of what was happening to me.

  “Hang on tight.” My fingers curled into the damp wood of the post as Zach’s fingers began to move faster on my clit, rolling it in that expert way he had. Despite all of my protests, I felt tension begin to build in my very core.

  “Come now.” As if he had commanded it, pleasure exploded through me. As I gasped my way through my climax, I was dimly aware of the plug beginning to move inside of me, harder and faster and deeper than it had before.

  “Zach.” I moaned my protest, but was surprised to find that I didn’t truly mean it. My climax had sweetened the edge of pain, and now it had all turned into pure sensation.

  “That’s my little minx.” My voice echoed into the air as he used the plug to fuck in and out of my ass, the sensation still strange but something I found myself thrilling to.

  I groaned softly when he pulled the object out of me entirely. Though my muscles eased, I felt strangely empty.

  Then I thought of what was coming, and I tensed all over again.

  “Easy.” I wished I could see his face, but all I could do was hold on. Something warm and wet was poured over the entirety of my bottom. I arched into the touch when Zach began to massage the flesh there, rubbing the liquid over my cheeks and into the crevice. When he worked a finger inside of the place where the plug had been I found that it actually felt good, and I squirmed, wanting that sensation of fullness again.

  “Open your legs farther.” Something hard slid between my legs. I shifted, confused and aroused, as Zach’s finger followed, sliding into the heat. He pressed his finger against the slick, bullet shaped thing inside of my pussy, and a moment later my knees buckled when vibrations burst to life in my womb. “Don’t you dare let that fall.”

  “Zach!” His hands returned to my ass, again spreading my cheeks. I had a mental image of what I must look like to him, bound, open to his stare, pink from arousal.

  Then he pressed the head of his cock to the pucker between my cheeks, and I found myself retreating to a place where all that existed was sensation, and I couldn’t think at all.

  Incomprehensible sounds fell from my lips as he slowly, slowly pushed inside of me. His erection was far bigger than the plug had been, and my flesh protested as it was stretched to its fullest extent.

  It hurt. But as he eased in, then out a fraction, then in a bit more, I found that the hurt felt good.

  “All right?” he asked me. I didn’t need to stop to take stock; I nodded frantically, suddenly afraid that the sensations would stop. My breaths came shorter and shorter as he continued to ease in, pull back, and push farther into me.

  Finally he came to rest with his pelvis cupping my bottom. I could feel the heavy weight of his testicles pressing against the tender flesh of my labia. Though he didn’t move, the fullness of his cock inside of me created pressure on the vibrator that worked in my pussy.

  It was too much. It wasn’t enough.

  “More.” I barely recognized the voice that spoke, though it was my own. “Please. I want more.” I thought that I heard Zach murmur my name with pleasure before he wrapped my wet hair in his fist, pulling my head back toward him.

  “Mine.” I wasn’t sure who spoke the word, and then I didn’t care. Zach slid almost all the way out of me, and then all the way back in. My moans became pleas as he set a steady rhythm, never rough yet always moving at that unrelenting pace.

  “I can’t hold back much longer.” Zach’s voice was grim as he slid his hands between my legs. One parted my lower lips with sure fingers, and the other slid inside of me, catching the vibrator between thumb and forefinger and driving it up inside of me farther.

  He thrust inside of me again, and though there couldn’t possibly have been room, he pressed the vibrator up inside of me as far as it would go. It pulsed against the thin membrane that parted my two most intimate places, and the sensation was so intense that I tried to pull away.

  Zach’s strong body held me in place.

  “I-I can’t. Zach . . . it’s too much!” My words were fragmented. His breathing was becoming ragged himself as he ignored my feeble protests and helped me to accept the sensations.

  He thrust inside of me, deeper than he had yet. I felt him begin to tense, a sign that I now knew meant he was approaching climax. Knowing that I had brought him the pleasure made me want to give him even more. I pushed back against him, taking him in another fraction of an inch. When his cock began to pulse inside of me, filling me with liquid heat, the added pressure sent me hurtling over the edge into a violent climax that slapped me in the face with its intensity. I screamed into the steamy air, shuddering brutally as we each rode our pleasure to the end.

  His arms wrapped around my waist tightly, supporting me so I didn’t hang limply from my bound wrists. Though the tsunami of my orgasm had receded, I trembled, my muscles refusing to hold me up.

  I hissed when, after a long moment in which he cradled me against his chest, Zach eased out of me. His sure fingers slid between my legs and extracted the vibrator, switching it off before tossing it aside.

  My body felt abused and wonderfully lax. My emotions felt as though they had been pounded by the waves of the ocean that I could hear below us.

  What had just happened?

  To my mortification, tears sprang to my eyes. I turned my face away, desperate to hide them from Zach. He didn’t comment, instead stroking a finger down my back reassuringly before retrieving the key and unlocking my cuffs.

  “Ssh, Devon, my little minx.” He massaged my fingers and palms, working blood through them. “It’s normal to feel a lot after something like that.”

  I shook my head but kept my lips pressed tightly together as he nudged me back under the spray of the showerhead. He poured the delicious-smelling liquid soap over my backside, letting the suds and the water clean me and ease the sting.

  I was afraid to part my lips to speak. I knew what I wanted to say, but I didn’t think it was anything he wanted to hear. So I allowed him to wrap me in another towel, to dry my skin and my hair. And as I did, I wondered what to do with myself now that I knew, for me at least, that the mutual sexual pleasure had blossomed into something that felt an awful lot like love.


  Zach and I had both remained somewhat subdued as we gather
ed our toys from the patio and beach below and made our way into the house. He had ordered dinner to be delivered, and as I explored the house, he had dressed in faded jeans and a ripped T-shirt.

  But his next statement jolted me out of my relaxed state. “You will remain naked.”

  The demand brought the banked fire inside of me to life again.

  “You’re dressed.” I pointed out as I slowly backed toward the bedroom, where the bag that had been packed for us both still sat on the bed. I had an idea, and his order put a definite kink into it.

  “I’m the one who gets to make the rules.” He looked so pleased with himself that it made up my mind. I might be punished later, but I had a feeling that it would be worth it.

  “Please, Zach.” I continued to back toward the bedroom, and he continued to move forward, stalking me. “Just give me a minute. You’ll like it, I swear.”

  He paused for a moment, and I grasped the opportunity. Whirling and running into the bedroom, I slammed the door shut behind me before diving across the room for the nightgown that I had retrieved from the car while Zach was getting dressed.

  Inhaling deeply, I shook the tissue paper covering from the scrap of blue silk, then pulled it over my head.

  I heard the door open as I smoothed the lingerie around my hips. Turning, I clenched my fists at my sides and faced Zach, who looked for all the world like he had just caught his prey and was about to feast.

  He stopped in his tracks when he saw what I had done.

  “Do you like it?” The impetus for buying the nightgown may have been to spice up a dull sex life, and I may have convinced myself that the exorbitant price was a present to myself. But as Zach’s eyes traveled over me, absorbing the sight of me in the slip, I knew that it had been for him all along.

  “You’re beautiful.” He spoke softly as he crossed the room toward me. My mouth went dry when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a deep, drugging kiss.

  My heart began to do funny things inside of my chest. When he slid his hands down my back, cupping my bottom and lifting me into his embrace, I wrapped my legs around his waist and opened myself to him entirely.

  “Amazing.” I was laid on the bed with exquisite gentleness. I watched through half-lidded eyes, shivering slightly, as he stripped off the clothing that he had just put on, then lowered himself onto the bed until his heat ran along my entire length.

  “So soft.” A single finger ran over my breast, tracing the line of fabric where skin and satin met, as he parted my legs with his other hand and slid a finger into my heat. It seemed that I was always ready with him, and when he positioned his cock at my entrance and pressed inside of me, he glided in with ease.

  Our stares were locked as he balanced his weight on his elbows, his pelvis pressing down as mine thrust up. We moved with an easy rhythm, one that started slow and sped up only a fraction before pressure began to build.

  “Sweet Devon.” Lowering his head to my breast, he suckled my nipple into his mouth through the thin silk of the slip. The fabric pulled tight over the engorged flesh, forcing a pleased cry from my lips. At the same time, he began to circle my clit with his hand, bringing me shuddering to the peak with sure fingers.

  “I want us to come together.” He pressed the fingers at my clit together tightly, trapping the bud in their grasp as I surged upward. Stars danced in the air before me as, following in the aftermath of my shudders, he pressed as deeply inside of me as he could, groaning my name hoarsely as he spent himself between my thighs.

  He nuzzled his face into the side of my neck as we tried to catch our breath, and I rubbed circles over the taut skin of his back with my palm.

  The words slipped from my lips without my meaning to speak.

  “I love you.” Caught in the moment, I voiced what I felt for him. The loving he had just shown me had been so tender, so sweet, that it was a full minute before I realized that his body had gone rigid as stone on top of me.

  “Devon . . .” Zach withdrew from me and slid off the bed, running his fingers through his hair with agitated movements. He said nothing, but the shock and discomfort on his face told me all that I needed to know.

  “I see.” Tears threatened, but with them was anger. I froze for a long moment, the slip clinging damply to my skin and leaving me feeling more exposed than if I had been naked.

  I could have told him that it didn’t matter that he clearly didn’t return the feeling, just to put him at ease, but it would have been a lie. He watched, dumbfounded, as I drew in a shaky breath, then pushed myself off the bed and toward the duffel bag.

  “What are you doing?” Shielding myself from his eyes as best as I could, I pulled out a T-shirt that must have belonged to him, since it was far too large for me. I didn’t care, tugging the slip over my head and the T-shirt on, thankful for the coverage. A bit more digging yielded a pair of leggings.

  Swallowing against my outrage and hurt so hard that my throat burned, I ignored his question and marched out of the bedroom. I couldn’t stay in his presence a moment longer, not when the words I had spoken hung in the air between us, unwanted by him and so important to me.

  “Devon. Stop right now.” I continued to ignore him, slipping my feet into my flats and grabbing my purse. Moments later I was out the door, my chin held high.

  That chin trembled as I reached the long, winding driveway, Zach’s angry shouts echoing behind me.

  First things first. I tried to push the pain away as I attempted to form a logical plan. It was what I did best, after all.

  I would walk into town. I would find a motel to stay in for the night while I gathered my wits. In the morning I would rent a car and drive back to San Francisco, where I would think about what I wanted to do next.

  I liked my job, but I wasn’t sure that I could be around Zach now. I couldn’t be with someone who insisted on denying the spark that flashed between us, who wouldn’t share his past with me so that we could move on and have a future.

  “No.” The word was a pained cry that broke the dam holding back my tears. It would have been better if he truly hadn’t felt anything for me back. What was killing me was that I knew, knew that we had enough between us to be happy.

  But Zach was dominant to the core. He had given himself orders, and he would never break them.

  I couldn’t stop the tears. I reached the end of the driveway and turned onto the shoulder of the road, wiping blindly at my eyes. My entire body shook, and I felt as though I might be sick.

  The scream of tires punctured my consciousness in a deafening roar. Voices, the bass of a loud song, laughter, then screams.

  I whirled and found a blur of bright red coming straight toward me.

  My scream was soundless as my body froze. My rigid frame was yanked out of the way, right off the shoulder of the road to the grass, as a car packed with teenagers, two surfboards strapped to the top, swerved over the area where I had just stood.

  I fell to the ground with an impact that knocked the wind out of me. In my panic, as I wheezed, trying to catch my breath, I realized that the arms around my waist belonged to Zach. He was trembling with rage as he watched the car drive away, the obnoxious, bass-heavy music fading into the distance.

  My heart leapt, making its presence known through the surge of adrenaline that made my limbs shake and my teeth chatter. But when I turned to look up at Zach, to thank him for what he had done, I found myself faced with a wall of ice.

  My mouth opened and then closed soundlessly. I had no idea what to do with the anger, the pure rage that was undulating from him in waves.

  “Thank you.” I had to say it, though my voice was quiet and small when I did. The words had the effect of his turning his eyes to look at me, but the frost in them told me that nothing had changed on his end.

  “Get back to the house.” His words were clipp
ed and raw. My heart wept even as my tears dried and my hands balled into fists.

  “We’re going back to San Francisco.”

  Read the stunning conclusion of Devon and Zachariah’s

  tumultuous passion in the final installment of



  Available from InterMix on February 5, 2013

  Keep reading for a preview of Lauren Jameson’s

  next sizzling erotic romance


  Available from NAL in May 2013

  I have ignored Alex’s advice to have another drink. But the sips of Alex’s old Bordeaux have warmed my stomach, giving me a blush of courage—and so have his words. Now I am seated at a blackjack table, and my fear is very nearly gone, replaced instead with the fizz of anticipation.

  “Chips in.” I slide a small black chip across the table. It seems like such an insignificant thing, yet it represents one hundred dollars, the minimum buy-in for the table. It may not seem like much money to the fit fortysomething man on my left, the one whose well-cut suit can’t quite hide the softness of his gut, or to the predatory-looking woman to the left of him, the one wearing gold sequins and an expression of hawklike intensity.

  The softness of the man’s belly, hanging over his black leather belt, draws my mind back to Alex, and the hardness of his frame beneath his expensive clothes. I must have looked drab in comparison, my floral skirt, black shell, and sandals all from Walmart.

  I remind myself that it doesn’t matter. I will never see him again. I must focus on the game, or risk losing money that I really can’t afford to part with.

  The dealer places my two cards in front of me. They are not good, a six and a seven compared to the dealer’s ten. Anxiety blossoms in my gut. The man to my left has a jack and an ace, and the woman a seven and an eight.